• Jessa Lee
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Description: She's just 20 years old, and Jessa Lee is about to learn the hard facts of life: Ass or cash. Nobody gets away without paying the rent. The wolf comes knocking at her door, demanding money. She says, "I'm sorry. I'll get it to you as soon as I can." She's having a hard time making ends meet. She's a bartender. Drunk people don't tip well. "We have to evict you," the wolf says. "We have no choice." Jessa Lee writes him an I.O.U. He's not buying. "It was worth a try," Jessa Lee says. The wolf is insulted. He gives Jessa Lee 24 hours to evacuate the premises. At this point, Jessa Lee realizes, "I have about a half hour to evacuate the cum from his nut sac." So she goes down on him. Because desperate times call for desperate measures.